Sunday, March 2, 2008

My knitting Roll

My knitting Roll 1
Originally uploaded by ssplam
I've also made a roll for knitting needles. While I like the I received from my grandmothers stash, the slots weren't quite big enough to hold everything. I've also got quite a few needles I just don't plan to use. So this one has become my primary and is a little bit larger than the grandma roll. The grandma roll has become home to the misfit needles (those without mates) and the ones I just don't like to use (like the plastic ones that are all bent out of shape). I just used some remnant fabric that I got from a bin at Walmart, about a half yard. Had some ribbon left over from my crochet roll that made a perfect color matching tie. Also added one modification to make the fold double thick, mostly because its prettier than the "wrong side" of the fabric.

My knitting roll 3
Originally uploaded by ssplam

My knitting roll 2
Originally uploaded by ssplam

My DPN Roll

dpn roll 3
Originally uploaded by ssplam
So I finished this one a little while back but never got around to posting "finished" photos. In my post For Robin I provided a link for where I found a pattern to make a DPN roll from some elastic and a store bought place-mat. Except for the part where my machine kept binding up on the elastic itself, it's an easy project. This other picture is of the roll all closed up, I used an iron-on dragonfly to decorate it and sewed an old button on with some elastic tied in to close the roll up.

dpn roll 4
Originally uploaded by ssplam