so the year started off a bit crummy with that stupid accident that totalled my nearly paid for car.
I now have a newish car - 2007 w/ 30k miles and a new loan to start over on. I was dissapointed that I ended up with the most boring of grey/silver colors - but now that I've realized that the "alarm" button is a pretty good "where's my car button" - and works at least as far away as I can hear the actual horn. So maybe I won't lose it :)
Couple weeks ago my honey finsihed a dialogue with himself that convinced him we should get married - YAY!! I'm so excited. So that means people, if I can get the planning in check the way I want it - things will go down like this...
Halloween - very small ceremony - just us, parents and siblings - plus an officiant of course. (until just a moment ago I thought Halloween was a Friday - but it looks like Saturday - this might effect the plans). Then we were planning to have our big public reception for everyone to attend. What do you think about attending a Halloween Carnival to celebrate with us? Details are fuzzy at just this moment, but anyway - think about saving that day - Halloween - to come and play with us. (and of course come in costume if you want)
We all know it’s really about the food
6 years ago