Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Garden update

April 25th

I purchased planters and got most of them transferred to their new home. My basic plan is 3 plants per box - I know it's a little crowded, but that's really about the best I can do with the space I have to work
May 25th
This is their current layout around my patio, they got moved around after being home one day and noticing how the sun moves across the porch (in a diagonal manner from that post you see there, to the one behind me. This configuration seems to optimize the sun for each plant.

1 Chive
2 Cilantro
1 Mini Rose (white pot - not in bloom)

1 Fern Dill
1 Peppermint
1 Lemon Basil
1 White Sage (black pot in back)

3 Sweet Basil

1 Tarragon
1 Thyme
1 Oregano

These are newer plants, bought about 2 weeks ago

1 Flat Leaf Parsley
1 space (reserved for seeds to sprout, Curl Parsley)
1 Rosemary

We've also added a tomato to the party. This one is a grape tomato and is on our front porch to hopefully give it more light.

I would place this one as about 2 weeks (in our possession) as well.

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