Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crochet Hook Roll

Crochet Hook Roll 2
Originally uploaded by ssplam
Two things with this post. First, all of these fabulous needles ranging from 14 at the smallest to K at the largest, I won on an ebay auction for twenty bucks and change. I had about a dozen assorted needles before this arrived, and all but one of them are in projects somewhere.

Second, I just finished this roll last night. used a bit of ribbon, some piped edging, and 2 fat quarters of fabric.

Found the pattern at Planet June and thought I'd give it ago. Since I have my grandmothers case for knitting needles, and the one I made out of a placemat for my dpn's(for which I just realized I haven't posted finished pictures of) and no solutions for crochet hooks.

Crochet Hook Roll 1
Originally uploaded by ssplam

I'm not very good with a sewing machines mechanics... whatever settings it is at right now, are the settings it had when it was last messed with by my mom. Even still, I managed to make it come out like it was supposed to and I'm so pleased with how it turned out.

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