Saturday, June 21, 2008

World Wide Knit in Public Day

Originally uploaded by ssplam
I organized (really just made sure the park was open and made a few giveaways) a World Wide Knit in Public Day in Fremont Park for my Sunday morning knitting group. We invited Ravelry members from our area and one of my group invited the Sacramento Knitting Guild. It turned out that we had about 15 women present.

Couple of people stopped in to visit, the guy you see in the picture was (I believe) Jason. He chatted with us for a while and helped Cindy to win 2nd place in a sock/photo scavenger hunt.

A lovely Russian lady stopped by to visit and also helped Cindy in her contest.

We also received applause from another person walking by. It was a fun morning that lasted from 9:30 am to well past morning at 3pm.

Look forward to trying again next year.

1 comment:

shirleyknits said...

Great job organising a Knit in Public event! It sounds like a success!

Ann (amysmum2) :D